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How Do You Sleep When Your Partner Has OSA?

You’ve been sleeping next to your sweet lumberjack for how long now? Years? Hopefully they’ve already been diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and is on their way to sleep treatment. If not, let’s start with an at-home sleep test. But now, your little log-sawyer is kitted out with their CPAP machine and you’re still left staring at the ceiling in the middle of the night. 

Keep reading for our best tips on how to actually get some sleep when your partner has obstructive sleep apnea: 

Lend a Helping Hand

You and your partner want them to stay alive as long as possible. They’re dealing with a lot—what with the ungainly mask on their face every night. Since they have to clean their CPAP supplies a lot, you can help relieve some of the burden by jumping in to help clean, or better yet, get them a CPAP Sanitizer to do the work—for both of you learning how to sleep with obstructive sleep apnea!

Compromise is Key

We know the temptation for one more episode is real, but ensuring you and your partner stick to a bedtime routine is critical. Schedule some snuggles, refill the humidifier, and put on some soothing tunes. Sleeping with the CPAP mask is the best thing your partner can do for their health, so get the sheets ready for a good night of slumber!

Walk a Mile in Their Shoes

Try your partner’s CPAP mask on for s#!*$ and giggles, AND to further help you sympathize with what they’re dealing with on a nightly basis. We recommend making it a runway show, or you could even memorialize the event with a goofy picture! Either way, it’ll provide insights to your partner’s plights and help you bond over the situation that you both are dealing with. 

Cash Your Gratitude Checks

No need to let all those “thank yous” burn a hole in your pocket. Let your significant other know how much it means to you that they have taken their sleep health seriously. Not only are they prolonging their life, but benefiting their brain, heart, and mental health significantly. 

Gear Up

Ain’t nothing wrong with a good pair of earplugs, a weighted blanket, and a high-quality eye mask. As your partner can confirm, there is nothing too silly or over-the-top when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. They’ll be happy you’re sleeping your best and will rest easy the sound of their machine isn’t keeping you awake. 

Patience is a Virtue

If your partner is new to CPAP therapy, offer them patience as they adjust to their “new normal”. Claustrophobia, discomfort, insecurity, and more can affect patients who are new to sleep treatment. Refrain from nagging and rather, give them frequent check-ins and offer to seek help if they are struggling. 

Should you or your partner have any questions about adjusting to CPAP therapy, struggling with compliance, or just want to vent, our clinical team is availabe by email at or by phone at (866) 406-1884. You can also live chat with us anytime right on the site. 
And don’t forget to like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram, where we always want to hear from you! What tips would you like to learn more about? Topics? Let us know!

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