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Will My CPAP Mask Fit With Any CPAP Machine?

Despite the fact that there are some occasional “glitches” in getting them connected, your CPAP mask actually will fit with any CPAP, BiPap, or APAP (automatic CPAP) machine (read on for the ONE exception). This is important to know because it will save you a lot of frustration and potentially save you money in the long run. To overcome any potential connection issues and ensure a good fit, be sure you’re not falling prey to one of these glitches. 

3 Reasons People Think Their CPAP Masks and Machines Won’t Fit

Though virtually all CPAP machines will connect to all CPAP masks, sometimes people assume their masks and machines won’t connect because they encounter one of these common glitches (no, not like in the Matrix). 

Reason 1: The elbow from another CPAP mask is still stuck in the tube.

The “elbow” is the L-shaped connector on the full-face mask. If you’ve bought a new mask, it may be easy to forget that this connector is actually part of your old mask, not part of the tube itself!

Some connectors are removed by twisting and some by pulling. If your mask and tube have been connected for quite some time, you may need to experiment a bit, but once you determine the connection method, you should be good to go.

Once you remove the old elbow from the tube, you should have no trouble getting your new machine and mask combo connected. Of course, if you have accidentally broken your elbow (ouch!), you may need a replacement so that your mask and machine will connect properly. Browse our replacement CPAP elbows if you find yourself in this situation.

Reason 2: The short tube is still attached to the CPAP mask.

As we mentioned above, there are many varieties of CPAP masks. Many styles will come with their own, shorter tubes that connect to the main CPAP tubing. These shorter tubes serve a variety of functions, but for the most part, they serve to extend the distance from the machine itself, allowing the wearer greater flexibility and range of movement. 

If you’re having trouble connecting your new mask to your CPAP machine, always check to be sure you’re attaching directly with the main CPAP tube rather than with a short tube left over from a different mask option.  

Reason 3: The oxygen adapter is not compatible. 

While virtually all CPAP masks are adaptable with all CPAP machines, that does not mean that all of their various parts are compatible with one another. One case in which this causes unique issues is in that of the oxygen adapter.

Oxygen adapters are universally compatible with all masks and standard tubing. However, there are special varieties of tubing (such as heated tubing) that require their own adapters. 

When one of these special oxygen adapters is left behind, or when you’re trying to attach your mask while forgetting that a special adapter is required, you’re going to experience connection issues. 

Keep reading for an easy way to troubleshoot any and all connection issues you could bump into.

Working Through Issues

When working through potential connection issues between your CPAP mask and CPAP machine, always go in order from top to bottom, checking your “ETA”:

  1. Elbow
  2. Tube
  3. Adapter 

This handy-dandy mnemonic can help you work through any potential connections in a fast and efficient manner. 

The One Exception 

As with any rule, there is, of course, an exception. In this case, it’s the matter of one particular device.

Though it’s a general rule that all CPAP masks are designed to fit all CPAP machines, the one exception is the ResMed AirMini. Currently the smallest CPAP machine in the world, the ResMed AirMini has its own unique mask options. 

Unless you’re dealing with one of those, however, your CPAP mask should connect to any other CPAP machine. But don’t fret, there are many mask options that fit this awesome little machine and we’ve made it easy to choose a guaranteed-compatible mask with our CPAP Bundles

We’d recommend a mask that fits with the AirMini that you use for travel, and a regular cross-compatible mask for home use, but that’s up to you!

We Can Help

While many people with sleep disorders are aware of their struggles, some remain undiagnosed. To learn more about sleep health, at-home sleep studies, and how you can benefit from an online CPAP prescription, please contact us at any time.

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