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The cpapRX Military Family Discount

Memorial Day Promo Banner - Rest Easy

We Want You to Rest Easy.

There are many influences that can effect sleep health. Work and finances are big ones, and balancing that with the needs of your family relationships and friendships is not always easy.

The truth is that our world is challenging. When we step outside of our own personal challenges, and take a bigger look around, it becomes clear that the challenge is universal. The needs and rights of so many are still an important work in progress across our country, and the world. Understanding, Acceptance, Equality, Liberty… these are virtues that are worth defending. In fact, they have required defending throughout history. Committing one’s self to supporting and defending these, and other virtues, is not for the faint of heart. It requires a specific human quality and a steady, unselfish moral compass.

And other times, many times unfortunately, it has required a sacrifice too great. According to the latest report from Congressional Research Services, over 18,000 active members of the U.S. Armed Forces have died while serving between 2006 and 2021. On this Memorial Day, we pay tribute to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that others may rest easy. And to all members of our armed services past and present, especially those on the cpapRX team, we simply say thank you.

Active or veteran service members, as well as military family members struggling with sleep apnea can use code MILITARYFAM at checkout for a minimum of 10% Off your total order every time you shop with us. Shop Now

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